
Did you know the average person now spends
more than 2 hours a day on social media?

with that kind of traffic, it's now more important than ever for brands to have thoughtful messaging and cohesive imagery.

I learned a great deal growing my own following to over 10,000 combined likes, friends, and followers and I now assist companies in doing the same. Branding is far more than just a logo; it’s an experience. A cohesive, well-designed brand can differentiate your business from competitors, build trust with your audience, and give them the right first impression.

I help companies find and refine a brand voice that speaks directly to their ideal customers while managing their online footprint on a daily basis. it’s easy to get frustrated with the never-ending platform updates and algorithm changes; Stay one step ahead of the curve with me as your Social Media Guru. i work one-on-one with my clients to create custom imagery and compelling content that bolsters recognition and increases engagement.


work samples:


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THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREst in working with Emily! EMAIL HER DIRECTLY AT EMILY@EMILYJOHNSONSTL.COM OR FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW to get more information about taking your brand identity to the next level.